Expert's Voice: How privacy protection is changing email marketing - TOPHOTELNEWS
New data-sharing initiatives will force hotels into rethinking their digital marketing strategies, says Robert Schimmel, vice president of product management at Cendyn. Privacy is the issue on most people's minds these days when it comes to technology, and companies are responding by giving users more control over their data. While consumers see these recent changes as beneficial, marketers are more than a little concerned. That is because these changes are on course to alter the foundation upon which virtually all digital marketing is based. While there is a future for email marketing, hoteliers need to be aware of what is happening so that they can adjust their strategies accordingly. In fact, hotels that prepare properly can get ahead of the competition and use this as a way to get back to the core of hospitality – creating meaningful relationships with their guests. What's happening Apple is leading the charge on giving users more control ...